TDCoin Core

Татар Русский

How to sweep TDCoin paper wallet?

with pictures

If "TDCoin Android Wallet" already installed, please skip to step number 2.
1) Install "TDCoin Android Wallet". Application available at play store or on page TDCoin wallet.
2) Start "TDCoin Wallet" on your android phone. Wait for app to "catch up" with TDCoin blockchain.

3) Press(tap) menu button

4) Press(tap) "Sweep paper wallet" menu item

5) Start image scanner by pressing "camera" icon on the top right corner.

6) Type a password if required.

7) Tap "Decrypt" button.

8) Confirm sweeping funds by pressing "Sweep" button.

Congratulation, you seccessefully swept "TDCoin Paper Wallet"!
After 6 new mined blocks funds will be fully available in your wallet. Done.
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